segunda-feira, 11 de novembro de 2013
sábado, 9 de novembro de 2013
In classic scripture of Tibetan Buddhism—traditionally read aloud to the dying to help them attain liberation—death and rebirth are seen as a process that provides an opportunity to recognize the true nature of mind. This translation of The Tibetan Book of the Deademphasizes the practical advice that the book offers to the living. The insightful commentary by Chögyam Trungpa, written in clear, concise language, explains what the text teaches us about human psychology. This book will be of interest to people concerned with death and dying, as well as those who seek greater spiritual understanding in everyday life.
segunda-feira, 7 de outubro de 2013
Com a permissão do mestre supremo eis que aqui estamos novamente guiados, pela sede de justiça. Em nome da verdade, em nome das famílias que ainda clamam por paz ao lembrarem dos entes que se foram em meio a essa guerra sangrenta que sobrevivemos A favela chora, o morro chora, a periferia chora. Lágrimas que lenço algum consegue secar, a ferida está aberta, não foi estancada, o antídoto é desconhecido por muitos e a cura é um sonho distante pra esse vírus chamado sistema implacável. Clamei ao rei dos céus, por dias menos violentos, mas minhas súplicas ainda não foram suficientes. A onde você está? Com o que, que você sonha?Carro bom, casa nervosa, jóias, mulheres? Discurso redundante né? Muitas das vezes já disseram que o próprio rap é redundante, mas o que, que não é? Diz pra mim o que de fato é. Quantos moleques na vida do crime, quantas famílias na vida do crime, quantos policiais na vida do crime, quantas autoridades na vida do crime, sem dizer dos políticos que sobrevivem e vivem com a vida do crime! Tive vontade de um dia, de parar com tudo isso ó meu, com essa vida loca, mas de que jeito? Se não sou a solução será que sou eu o problema? Ou se não sou o problema, será que está em mim a solução?Complexo, muito complexo! E de complexos em complexos, minha voz atravessa alambrados, ruas, grades, em nome daqueles que acreditam em num amanhã melhor, num amanhã de menos cadáveres, num amanhã de menos violência, num amanhã de mais paz. É chegado o momento da mudança, mudança comportamental, racional, espiritual e porque não lógica. Pega sua vestimenta de guerra e se arma, mas se arma mesmo de coragem, pois o espírito gladiador que ah em você, nesse exato momento aflora pronto pra batalha, em humildes barracos de madeirite, aos ilustres palácios de platina, o tsuname em forma de trilha sonora, ecoará, trazendo a tona o impiedoso esquartejamento do sistema nos calabouços do ódio, é bem por aí realidade cruel.
quarta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2013
JASON DILL STATS… HOMETOWN Zanzabar CURRENTLY RESIDES Man without country… Man without city… I have no allegence to any God or Nation… Any hotel room anywhere at the moment is always fine by me. SPONSORS Vans shoes, Independent trucks, Supreme, also a supporter of The Strong Hold Society FIRST BOARD: Some banana board somewhere within my first 3 years of life. ON VANS SINCE: Since 2012. STANCE: Regular SHOE SIZE: 9.5 Irish/American Scorpio. JASON DILL BIO… They don’t make ‘em like Jason Dill anymore and that’s a fact. There was a long stretch of skateboarding history where it was rebellious, where whatever anyone else was into we were out of, where the words of our pros were purposely antagonistic and confrontational rather than preprogrammed PC sound bites. If you listen to Jason Dill you know he’s never out grown out of that mentality. He speaks his mind, says/does/skates what he wants the way he wants without giving two shits about what anyone thinks about it…that’s the essence of skateboarding. Jason grew up in the nineties in Huntington Beach, CA in a time when some of the greatest street skaters ever were making their bones. He was a part of the early World Industries/101 camp that changed the way street skating would be regarded forever more. Since then he’s lived a hundred lives on and off the skateboard, most of them while riding for Alien Workshop, one the most respected brands in the business. His 2000 video part in Alien’s Photosynthesis is the stuff of legends; 50 years from now kids will still look to that part for inspiration. Jason’s smooth, effortless skating throughout his career and his ability to reinvent his appearance and trick selection again and again and again earned him the 28th spot on Transworld’s Most Influential Skateboarders Of All Time List in 2012. Jason has been a friend to Vans for many years now. He’s help create and design shoes as classic as he himself is for our Syndacite division and we were unbelievably proud and honored to welcome him officially to the Vans Team in the Summer of 2012. JASON DILL INTERVIEW… WHAT SHOES DO YOU SKATE? Authentics… I also love Sk8 Highs and AVE’s shoes… I usually stick with Authentics on and off the board. WHAT’S YOUR SET UP? I ride whatever Ave is riding, he knows the dimensions… I never ride my own Pro model… It’s usually a Grant, Ave or Dylan Graphic Alien Workshop board, Independent trucks, and 51mm wheels… I like Mob grip… I don’t work or ride for them…. I just like that grip the most… I don’t ride for the maker of the “Swiss” bearings either… But I won’t ride a board without ‘em… Take the shields off. WHAT’S THE BEST TRIP YOU’VE EVER BEEN ON? Acid, all summer when I was 17 in NY and SF. WHAT’S THE BEST STORY YOU’VE EVER HEARD? The great big American lie and the Bible are both very entertaining “stories” to me. Any story with Fred Gall in it will work too. FAVORITE VANS RIDER? Julien Stranger. WHAT TRICK CAN’T YOU DO THAT YOU WISH YOU COULD? Calming down… That would be a good trick to learn… I haven’t quite landed that one yet. WHAT’S THE WORST THING THAT’S EVER HAPPENED TO YOU? Life. WORST TREND IN SKATEBOARDING RIGHT NOW? Me. WHAT ARE SOME INTERESTS OUTSIDE OF SKATING? I’m not allowed to have them anymore. Apparently they almost killed me. LAST GOOD BOOK YOU READ? Everything Kurt Vonnegut, especially Palm Sunday… I’m reading Do or Die by a woman named Leon Bing… 1980’s-90’s southern California Gang culture… Its really great so far. 6 SONGS THAT HAVE TO BE ON A MIX TAPE: Well, I have never owned a computer… I hate ipods… I love records and cd’s… 1. Falling Rain by Link Wray. 2. Human Nature by Micheal Jackson. 3. Give it up by Curtis Mayfield. 4. Rocket Love by Stevie Wonder. 5. Everything Desmond Dekker ever recorded is incredible. 6. Ramblin’ Woman by Cat Power.
sexta-feira, 30 de agosto de 2013
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terça-feira, 27 de agosto de 2013
domingo, 25 de agosto de 2013
segunda-feira, 5 de agosto de 2013
domingo, 14 de julho de 2013
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